
The following dissertations have been accomplished at the ifi-Institute supervised by Prof. Dr. Plettenberg:

  • Lenzner:
    Oral candidosis and its prognostic importance with HIV-infected persons. 
    1991, Grade: magna cum laude. The Joseph-Kimmig-Award 1991 of the Alfred-Marcionini-Foundation was awarded.
  • P. Gilgen:
    Prognostic importance of dermatological marrow diseases with HIV-infected patients. 
    1993, Grade: cum laude.
  • A. Kruse:
    The diagnosis of oral candidosis with HIV-positive patients. 
    1994, Grade: cum laude.
  • U. van Dyk:
    Chemotherapy of the HIV-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma: Influence on opportunistic infections, CD4-lymphocytes and death. 
    1994, Grade: cum laude.
  • U. Henke:
    Influence of different therapeutic strategies on the prognosis and course of cutaeous T-cell lymphoma. 
    2002, Grade: cum laude.
  • V. Paech:
    RADATA - Design of an internet platform for the implementation of expert advises of HIV-infected patients with an unsuccessful therapy. 
    2002, Grade: magna cum laude.
  • D. Albrecht:
    Establishment of a quantitative essay to identify the HHV-8 DNA. 
    2002, Grade: cum laude.